AYC is a charitable organisation powered by volunteers. Your donation and support allows us to open up our programmes and share the benefits of yoga to the communities most in need.
The Benefits of Yoga

Yoga offers physical and mental health benefits for people of all ages.

For patients going through an illness, recovering from surgery or living with a chronic condition, yoga can become an integral part of their treatment and potentially hasten healing. Yoga can support the healing process and help the person experience symptoms with more centeredness and less distress.

Breathing, yoga-based movement, and mindful meditation, helps children, youth and students bring their attention to the present moment and prepares them for learning time.

Yoga helps elderly people find their centre and strengthen their core, leading to improved balance that can help reduce risk of falling. Group yoga can also provide a space for greater connection and community.

Overall, yoga can be adapted to all types of bodies to bring about physical and mental benefits. Yoga helps individuals to find greater openness in their bodies and confidence in themselves.

1. 5 females and 5 males join today's classes. A lady in deep depression has turned better since i met her in Nov 2023. She waves to me when I arrive the center and talks to other classmates during the class. I feel glad to observe her change.
2. Everyone is engaging in the class. A student mentioned that yoga has transformed her life in a very positive way. She is happy with her daily life after starting yoga practice even though she is away from her family in the Philippines.
3. Slow and steady class taught by Christina. Hip and chest opening poses and good vibe
4. Students learn a series of stretches starting from stand ups to seated positions with arm and leg stretches.
5. Great full body warm up and sun salutation practice. Malasana with twist was a challenge and students did very well.
6. Great hip opening and core strength class. Significant improvement seen in students
7. The flexibility of this batch of senior participants is quite good. Core strength and trunk stability are focused for their well-being.
8. We start a general warm up from upper body to lower body… as we practice Sun Salutation to activate the whole body lengthening and strengthening muscles.
9. Hatha class with full body focus. Great energy and focus from all students in very humid conditions. Good focus on power and mobility through all postures.
10. Hatha class - students gave focus and great energy in very humid weather.
11. The class start with nadhi Sudhi and we do also udiyana bandha. We keep reminding the students about their breath and also to check the alignment. We explain the benefits of the pose and which group muscles work in the pose. And we end the class with chanting OM shanti. Happy can practice with them today. Thank you AYC
12. Mobilization of major joints and lower limbs strengthening are sequenced for the wellness of aging participants.
13. Today class was full of fun and valuable yoga knowledge.
14. Today we practise mindful stepping execrise, gently step forward, step backward and step aside, let seniors gain back their own balancing point of body. On the otherhand, let seniors be more awareness (mindfulness). By paying more attention to the present moment of their thoughts, feelings & body to improve their mental wellbeing.
15. I was having a good time with the elderly, to see their body and mind healthy, they are full of passion and vitality. I've learned a lot from teaching elderly these 2 years. I'm grateful Anna will take over the class be a project leader. She will demonstrate the knowledge of sport science to our yoga class. Hope our volunteer teachers come to support each other and grow together. And I want to say "Thank you 💖💖" again to Nicola for the unconditional support over the year.
16. Hatha flow style class. Students had lots of fun with an intense rainstorm during class forcing students to move and reset. Despite challenges, students gave great focus to their practice in humid conditions.
17. Hatha power style class - students had fun and gave great energy in very humid conditions.
18. Today 7 female and 2 male students, we started as usual with the feet first, then legs, body, arms, hands, head - stretching and strengthening poses as relevant! I can see they all could follow the steps as I taught through the class. One male student tried standing up and stay after practicing for a while (the nurse was by his side) - as he is actually using support to walk! It was encouraging! I had the chance to talk to his wife after class and she said it was a good class! 🤩😁
19. Hatha style class including pranayama. Students all gave great effort on humid conditions - lots of smiles and laughs throughout.
20. Very hot and humid conditions - students all have great effort and focus. Hatha flow style class covering full body strength and mobility.
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  • Bank: The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
  • Bank Code: 004
  • Branch Number: 741
  • Account Number: 617864838
  • Account Name: Andiappan Yoga Community Limited
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Andiappan Yoga Community Limited

And mail to: 801, One Lyndhurst Tower, 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, Hong Kong