EVENT COMPLETED: Beyond Women Fest 2021
About Beyond Women Fest

Beyond Women Fair is the only show in Hong Kong that directly caters to the needs and interests of women. Showcasing products and services specifically designed for them, the fair offers women the opportunity to play a major role in social and economic development and enhance their position in society. The platform aims to serve as a catalyst for greater women empowerment and for raised awareness of the difference they can make.

About the Event:

IYA and AYC are invited by Baobab Tree Event to participate in the Beyond Women Fest on 10th -13th June, in Hall 3F & 3G, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. For more event details please go to https://www.beyondwomenfest.com.

This event is dedicated to providing supports to women who are pursuing healthiness and quality of life, therefore IYA and AYC will be hosting 6 yoga classes over 4 days, and the class sequences are tailor-made to improve women’s health in their physical well-being, mental state and emotions.

Classes will be led by our experienced teachers and volunteer teachers, aiming to bring healing, relaxing and a balanced practice to the participants.

Class Timetable:

4-5 pm, Thursday, 10th June

Yoga for Women’s Health – with Master Anuja, Queenie, Wendy, Flora 

In this class, we will introduce the advantages of practising yoga and improve the conditioning of the mind and body with tailored exercises that would provide additional benefits for women. We will go through physical movement and breathing exercises that are known to reduce stress and enhance the relaxation of the body.
女性健康瑜伽 – 瑜珈適合任何人士練習,尤其對女性有莫大的好處。通過瑜伽練習及呼吸調息從而提升女性身心靈的健康狀態。與此同時亦可紓緩壓力,滋養身體及增強身體的柔韌性, 為女性帶來全面性的健康。

6-7 pm, Friday, 11th June

Hatha Yoga – with Master Federica, April, Mani

Hatha Yoga offers a good introduction to the basic yoga poses, which attempt to balance the mind and body through asanas (physical exercises), controlled breathing, relaxation, and meditation. This class aims to improve the body’s physical health whilst clearing the mind, in preparation for meditation in the pursuit of enlightenment.
哈達瑜伽 – 哈達瑜伽源自於印度。課堂會教授基本的瑜伽式子和呼吸法來平衡身心,同時改善身體的狀況,亦為準備尋求內在靜心啟蒙之引導。

11:30 – 12:30 pm, Saturday, 12th June

Yoga for Working Women – with Vaidehi, Yu, Gigi, Olivia 

Regular yoga practice can provide emotional, mental and physical support to anyone – especially for working women while they constantly juggle between work, family and self-care. This class focuses on developing emotional strength and bring relaxation to your body and mind.
職業女性瑜伽 – 透過恆持的瑜伽練習,能夠讓我們學懂個人情緒和身心靈的自我關注。尤其是對於職業女性,難以在日常工作,家庭及照顧自己方面取得平衡。本課堂著重於釋放和關注情感體驗讓您得到全然的身心放鬆。

1:30 – 2:30 pm, Saturday, 12th June

De-stress and Meditation – with Master Edith, Anna, Master Ewelina

Yoga is arguably the best way to reduce stress. Destress Yoga, in particular, focuses on deep relaxation, breathing exercises (Pranayama), meditation, and restorative postures that are proven to instantly relieve stress.

紓壓及冥想瑜伽 – 瑜伽可說是一個減壓良方。 減壓瑜伽尤其著重於深層放鬆,呼吸練習(Pranayama),靜心冥想和具冶療性的瑜伽動作。事實證明,透過不同的瑜伽姿勢,能有效達致即時緩解壓力的效果。

11:30 – 12:30 pm, Sunday, 13th June

Yoga Therapy for Breast Cancer Survivor – with Master Hazel, Georgina, Judy

We will share the yoga therapy with women recovering from breast cancer to help alleviate the physical symptoms that they have or are currently experiencing. Handling stress is one of the most common challenges for many cancer patients therefore the practice will focus on helping them build self-confidence in managing their physical symptoms and thereby improve their overall well-being.
瑜伽治療: 乳癌復康及舒緩 – 這是一個瑜伽冶療課程,主要為乳腺癌康復的女性而設,課程主要減輕她們一路以來經歷的身體症狀。 壓力是許多癌症病患者其中一種最大挑戰,因此,課堂亦會側重於協助他們建立自信心,從以掌握其身體症狀,全面改善其整體健康狀況。

1:30 – 2:30 pm, Sunday, 13th June

Back Care Yoga – with Master Kammy, Ally, Stephanie, Edith

This class involves a sequence of yoga postures and alignment techniques that strengthen back muscles and help attain a proper posture, preventing and resolving back problems. The class is specifically designed for women who are prone to back pain and stiffness.
背部伸展瑜伽 – 課堂設計了連貫性和針對性的瑜伽動作,以增強背部肌肉從而幫助糾正姿勢,及預防和解決脊椎問題。 該課堂是特別為容易背痛和背較僵硬的女性而設。

Join us in Beyond Women Fest 10 – 13 June at HK Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong.

Event entry: To enter the event, you can get an entry ticket for HKD 20 (QUOTA 200 tickets). All money raised will be donated to our NGO – Andiappan Yoga Community. Please visit Anahata Yoga Studio (18/F, One Lyndhurst Tower, Central) to pickup the ticket from the reception team.

Class registration: Each class is $180 and all money will be donated to our NGO – Andiappan Yoga Community. To join the above yoga classes, please fillthe registration form and complete the payment and a confirmation will be sent to you by email. Please note all classes are with limited spots therefore spot will only be reserved for those who have completed the payment.