(AYCCEP) Yoga Therapy Protocol Series – How to plan and sequence a guided meditation class to help address stress and hypertension – Master Anurag
瑜伽治療方案系列 – 如何設計針對壓力和高血壓的引導冥想課程
About the workshop:
More students are turning to meditation classes in recent years to let go of the stresses they face in their everyday life, find holistic balance and nurture inner peace. A guided meditation class can vary in form and style, but the ultimate goal is to help students immerse into the present moment and find their own wisdom of mindfulness in their body and mind.
Join Master Anurag in exploring some easy-to-follow techniques that you can use to plan and sequence a smooth guided meditation class for students who are looking to reduce their stress and hypertension. You will surely be amazed by the profound advantages that a soothing meditation class can bring!
Date & Time 日期時間
Date: 24 February 2024 (Saturday), 2024年2月24日(六)
Time: 3:30 – 5:30 pm (GMT +8 Hong Kong Time), 下午3時30分至5時30分 (香港時間 GMT +8)
Venue: Anahata Yoga, 20/F, One Lyndhurst Tower, 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, HK
地點:Anahata Yoga, 香港中環擺花街擺花1號廣場20樓
Workshop Price:
For all participants 所有參與者
For on-going teaching volunteers
For on-going teaching star volunteers
Free for project leaders, kindly WhatsApp +852 6995 7621 for reservation. 任何現有項目負責人可免費參與, 請 whatsapp +852 6995 7621 預留位置。