10th International Yoga Day, 22 June 2024

International Yoga Day Celebrations – June 22, 2024

The annual International Yoga Day is back and AYC is here to celebrate the festival on 22 June 2024 (Saturday) at the studio of Anahata!

As an annual celebration to recognize the immense physical and mental benefits that yoga has brought to all of us, we have prepared a series of special classes and workshops on 22 June 2024 to take part in this enlightenment.

The schedule for the day is as follows:
International Yoga Day Celebrations – June 22, 2024


1. Opening Ceremony with Instructor’s Demo – (9:30 AM – 10:15 AM)
- Complimentary (To confirm your spot for this opening event please send a WhatsApp message to this number – +852 6674 2710)

Join usfor an enchanting opening ceremony where our talented instructors will showcase their expertise through captivating yoga demonstrations. Be inspired as they guide you into the world of yoga with grace and beauty.

2. Parent-Child Yoga – Yogananth and Jeremy (10:30 AM – 11:30 AM)
- $600 (Special rate for 2 for 1 Parent and 1 Child Yoga class)

Celebrate the bond between parent and child through the transformative practice of yoga. Master Yogananth and Jeremy will lead a playful and interactive session that combines yoga postures, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques. Strengthen your connection while nurturing physical and emotional well-being.

3. Sun Salutation 108 – Master Keshav and Master Raja – (11:45 AM – 1:15 PM)

Experience the power and vitality of the Sun Salutation sequence as Master Keshav and Master Raja guide you through 108 rounds of this energizing practice. Embrace the meditative flow and harness the sun’s energy for a revitalizing journey within.

4. Yoga Marmas 108 – Vishnu & Dilip – (1:30 PM – 2:30 PM)

Discover the ancient and profound practice of Yoga Marmas. Join Vishnu and Dilip as they delve into the subtle energy points of the body, exploring their healing and transformative potential. Experience deep relaxation and rejuvenation as you activate and balance these vital energy centers.

5. Wheel Yoga – Phoebe and Anuja – (2:45 PM – 3:45 PM)

Unleash the benefits of backbends and heart-opening postures with Wheel Yoga. Master Phoebe and Master Anuja will guide you through a dynamic session that enhances flexibility, strengthens the core, and cultivates a sense of joy and liberation. Embrace the wheel and discover new dimensions of your practice.

6. Partner Yoga – Yogananth, Mahesh & Ethan – (4:00 PM – 5:00 PM) – $600 (Special rate for 2 for Partner Yoga class)

Embark on a shared journey of trust, connection, and support in Partner Yoga. Join Yogananth, and Master Mahesh for a delightful session that combines synchronized movements, assisted postures, and playful interactions. Strengthen relationships and create lasting memories.

7. Singing Bowl – Edith, Vienna, Patty & Kinki – (5:15 PM – 6:15 PM)

Immerse yourself in the soothing vibrations and healing sounds of Singing Bowls. Join Vienna, Kinki, Patty, and Yu as they create a serene atmosphere for relaxation and meditation. Let the resonating tones guide you into a state of deep tranquility and inner harmony.

8. Kirtan by Kirtan HK – (6:30 PM – 8:00 PM)
- Complimentary (To confirm your spot for this kirtan event please send a WhatsApp message to this number – +852 6674 2710)

Experience the joyous devotional chanting of Kirtan with Kirtan HK. Join us in Studio A as we come together in a heart-opening celebration of music and mantra. Surrender to the rhythmic melodies and experience the transformative power of sacred sounds.


Workshop Price

$350 per class

$600 (Special rate for 2 for Partner Yoga class)

Light refreshments will be provided (free of charge with prior registration required) and we look forward to seeing you all very soon!

All funds raised goes to AYC

第10屆國際瑜伽日, AYC將於2024 年 6 月 22 日 (星期六) 在 Anahata Yoga慶祝這個節日。

作為一年一度的慶祝活動,以認識到瑜伽給我們帶來的巨大身心好處,我們已經準備了一系列特別的課程和工作坊,於 2024 年 6 月 22 日舉行,讓大家一起沐浴在慶典喜悅中。


國際瑜伽日慶祝活動 – 2024年6月22日


開幕典禮及大師示範 – (早上 9:30 – 10:15) – 免費 (請發送 WhatsApp 至此號碼報名開幕典禮活動 – +852 6674 2710)


親子瑜伽 – Yogananth 及 Jeremy – (早上 10:30 – 11:30) $600 / 2人同行雙人瑜伽課程特別優惠價
透過創新性的瑜伽實踐作為慶祝親子之橋樑。Yogananth 大師及 Jeremy 將帶領一個充滿趣味和互動的課堂,結合瑜伽體位、呼吸練習及放鬆技巧。增強你們的連繫,培養身心健康。


拜日式108 – Keshav 大師及 Raja 大師 – (早上 11:45 – 下午 1:15)

感受日常拜日式的力量和活力,Keshav 大師及 Raja 大師將帶領您完成 108 遍這個富有冥想流動的練習。擁抱太陽能量,展開內在探索的旅程。


瑜伽穴位 108 – Vishnu 及 Dilip – (下午 1:30 – 2:30)
探索古老而深邃的瑜伽穴位實踐。Vishnu 和 Dilip 將深入探討身體的微妙能量點,探索它們的治癒和轉化潛能。通過激活和平衡這些關鍵能量中心,感受深層放鬆和煥發。


輪瑜伽 – Phoebe 及 Anuja – (下午 2:45 – 3:45)
發掘後彎和瑜伽輪的好處。Phoebe 大師和 Anuja 大師將帶領一節動態課,提升柔韌性,強化核心肌群,培養歡欣自由的感受。擁抱以瑜伽輪為主題的課堂,探索實踐的新維度。


雙人瑜伽 – Yogananth, Mahesh 及 Ethan – (下午 4:00 – 5:00) – $600 / 2人同行雙人瑜伽課程特別優惠價

在雙人瑜伽中,展開一段充滿信任、聯繫和支持的共同之旅。與 Yogananth 和 Mahesh 大師一起參與這個愉快的課堂,結合協調動作、協助姿勢和有趣互動。增強關係,創造珍貴回憶。


頌缽療癒 – Edith、Vienna、Patty、Kinki – (下午 5:15 – 6:15)
沉浸在唱缽悅耳悅心的振動和療癒音聲中。Edith、Vienna、Patty 和 Kinki 將營造一個寧靜的氛圍,引領放鬆和冥想。讓響徹的音調引導您進入深深的寧靜與內在和諧。


Kirtan 由 Kirtan HK 帶領 – (下午 6:30 – 8:00) – 免費 (請發送 WhatsApp 至此號碼報名Kirtan活動 – +852 6674 2710)
與 Kirtan HK 一起體驗唱頌的力量。來到工作室 A,我們共同沐浴在音樂和咒語的心靈開放慶典中。投入節奏悅耳的旋律,感受神聖音聲的轉化力量。



$350 /單一課堂

$600 / 2人同行雙人瑜伽課程特別優惠價

我們將提供免費小吃 (需先報名)。期待您的光臨!
