Our Volunteers
Andiappan Yoga Community (AYC)
is what it is today because of our
volunteers. There are many ways
to get involved:
Teaching Volunteers
Teachers certified by the International Yoga Academy may volunteer as teachers for our ongoing projects. Invitations are sent by email. Project Leaders will provide new volunteers with information on each project and request volunteers to observe the project for 2-3 classes before beginning to teach.
Operations & Admin Volunteers
Our Operations & Admin Volunteers make all our projects and programmes possible. See our volunteer needs in this area:
  • Social Media Strategist
  • Content Creator
  • Fundraising Committee
If any of these positions interest you or if you have other skills to offer, please reach out to info@yogacommunity.org
Get Involved
Yoga teachers certified for 200 hours or more of yoga teacher training at the International Yoga Academy and Anahata Yoga studio may sign up to volunteer with AYC. We also welcome yoga teachers with other accreditations to get involved in our community - please reach out for more details to info@yogacommunity.org.
Andiappan Yoga Community Continuous Education Program
AYC is pleased to offer a number of courses to aid and support the development of yoga teachers across our community. The courses provide attendees with practical lessons in the ability to teach yoga and yoga therapy elements to yoga students at a beginner level. Anahata Studio yoga masters will conduct each of these courses. Please refer to the latest news and announcements on social media for these workshops.
of volunteers
Certified Teachers
Certified Therapists
1. 2nd class today, students from this batch are very confident and willing to try more poses. We spent more time on standing posture, a lot happy faces in the class.
2. 1st class of this batch, 1 stroke patient so far, most of them had knee replacement surgery and osteoarthritis. They are sharing their condition with us and with each other, then they started to share opinions about their condition. This is a good opportunity for them to practice together with similar difficulties, encouraging each other and improving their health together. So looking forward to the coming classes, it will be a very happy class, everyone enjoyed the first class so much.
3. Today class sequence is developed to prevent upper cross syndrome. Heart opening and back strengthening poses help the moms to release their emotions. The participants enjoy the class.
4. Warm and humid conditions, power flow style class with full body strength and mobility focus. Students all applied themselves well to their practice - great fun had by all!
5. Hatha flow class, students all gave great energy and focus in very warm and humid conditions.
6. Today’s class focused was on releasing front hips area after full body warm up.
7. This time we focused on Squat and variations. Squat is one of the best ways to strengthen the legs, abs and lower back. Mums need to strengthen their body to manage their families.
8. I'm the observer this time. Teaching KC Elderly nearly 2 years. Can see that from body to mind, they really improved a lot. The yoga class built a harmony circle. They know each other well and take care of each other. Can feel full of love every time.
9. A comprehensive class with upper back and hip/hamstring stretch. Some found the strengthening poses a bit difficult but still good effort to try
10. They try to simple stretching, strengthening & breathing on today.
11. Students did mostly seated practices focusing on upper body stretches, oblique lateral stretches and hips opening.
12. The class it’s really great. I keep remind them to be gentle with her body, stay focus. And the students follow well. It’s great can practice together with the students
13. Hatha class - students have all developed so well, all showing great strength and alignment across full range of postures.
14. Master Yogananth led a comprehensive full body therapy class. Covered mobility and strength across body with good challenge for students.
15. Students said today class was simple but challenging and one of them said the lower back pain was gone after class. We did some twisting postures.
16. Cindy taught the class today. The girls were a bit distracted (as usual) but Cindy was very professional and patient with them still;) blocks and wall were used as supplementary tools.
17. Patients feedback saying the class really helps with their pain issues.
18. The student goes to gym very often and so his muscles are very tight. It's good to share the yoga practice with him on that evening to do some stretching and chest opening poses to help him
19. All mums out town, we have 2 mums today. One of the mum brings her 4 yrs old boy. We practice together, it is just like a rehearsal for the coming Aug parents-child yoga class. We enjoyed ourselves very much.
20. Hatha class with focus on developing strength across body and improving range of mobility for students. Warm and humid weather again made the class challenging for students - they all gave great effort and had fun!