Yoga Class for Youth with Youth Outreach

Last Updated: 8 December 2022

Project Status:

Project on hold


About this Project:

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), regular physical activity prevents non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancers while improving mental health, quality of life, and well-being. (WHO-HEP-HPR-RUN-2021.2-eng.pdf). On the other hand, people who are insufficiently active have a 20% to 30% increased risk of death compared to people who are sufficiently active.

In 2016, people aged 18 or above who were physically inactive were about 28% globally. The situation in Hong Kong is alarming. Key findings in our latest Health Behavior Survey (2018/2019) conducted by the Department of Health found that 16.8% of persons aged 18 or above had insufficient physical activity. ( This survey also noted that 20.7% of those aged 15 or above (25.7% within the age group 15-24) reported spending 10 hours or longer on average sitting or reclining each day.

To address the above problem, WHO takes initiative – global action plan on physical activity 2018-2030 achieving more active people for a healthier world (

Benefits of yoga classes for Youth / Children:

Andiappan Yoga Community (AYC) believes in the benefits of yoga and is committed to sharing yoga with others as a service to the community. The benefit of yoga for youth is supported by various studies. Yoga can improve children and young people’s physical and mental well-being (Hagen and Nayar 2014), can reduce stress and bullying behavior (Centeio et al. 2017), and improve concentration and using breathing techniques for handling anger (Thomas and Centeio 2020).

Andiappan Yoga Community is invited as the Yoga Partner by Youth Outreach to introduce yoga to Youth / Children as a therapeutic and overall physical exercise.

Youth Outreach is a non-profit organization in Hong Kong established in November 1991 as a crisis intervention center for youth. In the years since its establishment, the organization has been devoting its services to help youth in critical condition or those who face major crisis in their life

Youth Outreach is dedicated to helping at-risk youth grow into responsible members to the community.

Who are the students in this project?

This class is open to youth and students beneficiaries of Youth Outreach

For students: Ready to sign up for yoga classes?

If you are interested to attend the class as a student, please kindly contact: Youth Outreach at 2384 3531.

For volunteers: Interested in volunteering for this project?

Learn more about how to Get Involved as an AYC Volunteer and apply for this project.

根據世界衛生組織 (WHO) 的說法,定期運動鍛煉可以預防心髒病、中風、糖尿病和癌症等非傳染性疾病,同時改善心理健康、生活質量和幸福感。 (WHO-HEP-HPR-RUN-2021.2-eng.pdf)。另一方面,與活動量充足的人相比,活動量不足的人死亡風險增加 20% 至 30%。

2016 年,全球 18 歲或以上缺乏身體活動的人約佔 28%。香港的情況更令人擔憂。衛生署最新進行的健康行為調查 (2018/2019) 的主要調查結果顯示,18 歲或以上的人中有 16.8% 的人沒有足夠的體能活動。 (。該調查還提及到,20.7% 的 15 歲或以上(15-24 歲年齡中的 25.7%)表示平均每天坐著或躺著最少10 小時或更長的時間。

 為解決上述問題,世衛組織積啟動 – 「2018-2030 年世衛組織全球身體運動與健康行動計劃:更活躍的人,更健康的世界」( 。


AYC深信瑜伽能帶來更多的身心靈上的好處,並致力於與他人分享瑜伽作為對社區的服務。各種研究亦顯示瑜伽對青年人的益處。瑜伽可以改善兒童和青少年的身心健康(Hagen 和 Nayar,2014 年),可以減輕壓力和欺凌他人行為(Centeio,2017 年),並能提高注意力,使用呼吸技巧更能緩解和控制憤怒情緒(Thomas 和 Centeio 2020 年)。


協青社是香港的一個非牟利機構,成立於 1991 年 11 月。自成立以來,該組織一直致力於幫助處於危急狀態或面臨重大人生危機的青少年。


項目: 青少年瑜伽課程

課程時段: 2021年1月3日開始

時間: 逢星期一 (晚上 7:30 – 8:30)

地點: 香港西灣河聖十字徑2號 協青社賽馬會大樓

教學語言: 廣東話/英語

義工導師資格:已完成最少200小時[香港國際瑜伽學院瑜伽教師培訓課程]之 AYC 義工均可申請參與。

感激你的熱誠和參與,實踐 AYC 的使命,分享瑜伽的恩澤。

已登記為AYC義教者, 您可以申請為本計劃教授瑜伽或協助教學。請完成以下步驟:

  1. 登入AYC網站 (;
  2. 點擊「My Profile」,然後選擇「Ongoing Projects」;
  3. 找到「Yoga Class for Youth Outreach」,然後選擇「I would like to apply」;
  4. 開始教授瑜伽或協助教學之前,請等候職員將您加入相關Whatsapp群組。

如有興趣參加此活動,請致電協青社 2384 3531