(AYCCEP) Yoga Therapy Protocol - Wrist Conditions By Master Dilip on 27 January 2024


On 27 January 2024, AYC concluded the Andiappan Yoga Community Continous Education Program (AYCCEP) workshop on Wrist Conditions, and it was an absolute delight! The workshop not only sparked tremendous interest but also provided us with practical and enjoyable techniques for Yoga therapy. Throughout the workshop, we delved deep into the intricate anatomy of the wrist, exploring various conditions like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tendinitis, Arthritis, and Wrist Sprain. Master Dilip’s teaching were not only highly informative but also incredibly engaging, making the learning experience truly enjoyable. From discovering fascinating insights on the musculoskeletal structure of the wrist to incorporating innovative and effective techniques, we gained a wealth of practical knowledge. These techniques will undoubtedly benefit us as yoga instructors in our teachings and enrich the lives of our students. We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the participants who joined us in this journey of learning and growth. Your enthusiasm and dedication contributed to the success of this workshop, and we are thrilled to have shared this experience with you. Stay tuned for more exciting workshops and events from AYCCEP in the future. We are committed to providing you with opportunities to enhance your yoga practice, deepen your understanding of Yoga therapy, and explore new and interesting techniques that will captivate your students. Thank you once again for your invaluable support and participation. We can‘t wait to embark on the next adventure together! 1月27日安迪潘瑜伽聯盟舉辧(AYCCEP)關於手腕狀況的工作坊,這個工作坊為我們提供了非常實用的瑜伽治療技巧。 在整個工作坊中,我們深入探索了手腕的複雜解剖學,探討了包括腕管綜合症、肌腱炎、關節炎和手腕扭傷在內的各種狀況。 內容不僅資訊豐富,而且非常引人入勝,大家都有一個真正愉快的學習體驗。 從對手腕的肌骨結構的深入了解,到融入創新而有效的技巧,我們獲得了豐富的實用知識。這些技巧無疑將有助於我們作為瑜伽導師在教學中好好地協助學生。 我們非常高興能與你們共同分享這次體驗。衷心感謝所有參與者的熱烈參與。 請密切關注未來由AYCCEP舉辦的更多精彩工作坊和活動。我們致力於為你提供瑜伽進修練習、深化瑜伽治療理解以及探索更好的瑜伽治療技巧將激發和有助你的教學。 再次感謝你們的支持和參與。我們迫不及待地期待著下一次新的工作坊!