Happy Chinese New Year - Donation Your Red Packet & Support Us To Enrich People’s Lives With Yoga


Happy Chinese New Year 🧧 Kung Hei Fai Choy from the Andiappan Yoga Community team. Chinese New Year is not just a time for joyous celebration and feasting on delicious food but also to share your love and blessings with those around you. 🧧Donation Your Red Packet🧧 Support us to enrich people’s lives with yoga The Andiappan Yoga Community is a non-profit, fully volunteer organization. We believe in the benefits of yoga and our mission is to share yoga with those who may not be able to afford classes and those who may have special needs or circumstances. DONATE NOW: https://www.yogacommunity.org/donation/ 農曆新年不僅是歡樂慶祝和享用美食的時刻,也是與周圍的人分享您的愛和祝福的時候。 🧧新年利是捐贈🧧 讓今個新年變得更有意義,支持我們透過瑜伽讓更多的人享受更健康和美好的生活。 Andiappan Yoga Community (AYC) 乃一全志願非牟利組織, 致力將瑜伽帶給更多未能接觸或受惠之人士, 並為有特殊需要的人士提供免費瑜伽課程 。 支持捐贈: https://www.yogacommunity.org/donate/