Yoga Therapy for Pain Patients from Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Since 14 June 2019

Medical Rehabilitation Yoga

  • Ongoing
  • Volunteers Required
  • Apply
Fridays, 2 - 3 pm except public holiday
Anahata Yoga, 18/F, One Lyndhurst Tower, 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central Hong Kong
Teaching Language: English : A Chinese Interpreter volunteer may be present during the class.
Fiona Yun
Completed yoga teacher training in Hong Kong and India. RYT500 teacher. Certified yoga & Yoga Therapy teacher, singing bowl sound healer. I’m happy to share my passion and knowledge of yo...
Fiona Yun
Patsy Cheung
Heidi Wu
Keith Watson
Cheryl Kwan
Ho Clara
Dr.Yogananth Andiappan
Yukani Bien
Michelle Toh
Marina Claudili Vitale
An Pei Liu
Deborah Lee
Jeanette Buurma
Alice Yeung
Hazel Chan
Angel Wong
Wai Ling Olivia Li
Eva Yang
Paula Lee
Alice Siu
May Lin Ho
Zaz Zie
Project status: Ongoing
Last Updated: 14 September 2024

About this Project:

According to Harvard Health Journal, Yoga can help people with arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraine, low back pain, and many other types of chronic pain conditions. A study published in Annals of Internal Medicine found that among 313 people with chronic low back pain, a weekly yoga class increased mobility more than standard medical care for the condition. Another study published at nearly the same time found that yoga was comparable to standard exercise therapy in relieving chronic low back pain.

Asanas (Yogic Poses) bring steadiness, health, and a lightness of the body and optimize tissue functioning. Asanas are useful adjuncts in the maintenance phase for reconditioning the body, realignment of the skeleton and for correction of postures. It opens up the vital flow of energy through the body, which is subjectively perceived as a positive sense of wellbeing. Well chosen to culture and balancing asanas can strengthen muscles and correct the posture. This, coupled with relaxation, breaks the cycle and reverses the pain reinforcing forces.

People with adverse conditions are welcomed to join this class too. For Instance, patients with multiple sclerosis and acute back conditions can first start yoga therapy sequence on a chair rather than the floor. Each pose is modified according to the individual to avoid the aggravation of the pain.

Who are the students in this project?

Students of this project are patients at Queen Elizabeth Hospital experiencing pain issues.

For Volunteers: Interested in volunteering for this project?

Teaching volunteers should have a minimum of 200hrs Yoga Therapy YTT Certificate with International Yoga Academy HK.

Learn more about how to Get Involved as an AYC Volunteer and apply for this project.

康復性瑜伽治療法 -慢性痛症管理

根據[哈佛健康雜誌]報導,瑜伽能舒緩關節炎、纖維肌痛、偏頭痛、腰背痛及其他慢性痛症。[Annals of Internal Medicine ]中的一項研究發現,在313名慢性腰痛患者中,每週一次的瑜伽課程比標準醫療護理更能有效提高患者的活動能力。同時,另一項研究亦發現,瑜伽對緩解慢性腰痛的效果,與標準運動療法相若。


體式(瑜伽體位法 /式子)能為身體帶來穩定性、輕盈感及健康,更能優化身體組織的功能。 體式亦能有效輔助身體的自身修復機制、骨骼調整和矯正姿勢。體式能開闢身體內的重要能量流,促進主觀的正面良好感受。某些具訓練性和平衡性的體式,更可強化肌肉及糾正姿勢,再配合適當的放鬆練習,便能有效地打破及逆轉痛症周期及其循環。

Andiappan 瑜伽中的「腰背護理瑜伽」正正包含了溫和的瑜伽體式及呼吸技巧,以協助放鬆身體,和擺脫心靈上的憂慮和煩擾。



時間: Every Friday 逢星期五 2 – 3 pm

地點: Anahata Yoga studio

項目負責人: Fiona Yun
