AYC Yoga Booth at Hong Kong Fitness + Wellness Expo (HKFWE)


AYC’s booth at the Hong Kong Fitness + Wellness Expo (HKFWE) during 13 and 14 May 2023 has been a great success! The two-day mega event at AsiaWorld-Expo has attracted numerous fitness lovers under the same roof, offering brand new experiences across spinning, dancing, HIIT and yoga stages to all. AYC is immensely delighted to be a part of the event and it has been a fruitful weekend where our volunteers have been able to share AYC’s work and mission to a wider audience. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all volunteers for their time and hard work in coordinating and supporting AYC’s booth. We look forward to seeing you all in our next event! AYC 在 2023 年 5 月 13 日至 14 日舉行的香港健身及健康博覽 (HKFWE) 上的展位取得了巨大的成功! 為期兩天的亞洲國際博覽館大型活動吸引了眾多健身愛好者齊聚一堂,為所有人提供跨越動感單車、舞蹈、HIIT 和瑜伽舞台的全新體驗。 AYC 非常高興能參加此次活動,這是一個收穫頗豐的周末,我們的志願者能夠與更廣泛的觀眾分享 AYC 的工作和使命。 我們想藉此機會感謝所有志願者在協調和支持 AYC 展位方面付出的時間和辛勤工作。 我們期待在下一次活動中見到大家!