Community Yoga Projects - Class Guidelines (Covid 19 - Measures)


Dear Volunteer Teachers & Students,
We are happy for class resuming after a long period of time, in order to protect everyone, we need to keep a few things in mind for the success of these classes.
Please find the below guidelines for attending AYC Yoga class:
• All new students must register at and complete the  disclaimer on the AYC website before joining the class. Show the email acknowledgment to the teacher before the class.
• The AYC volunteers/teachers will have to make arrangements in the class sizing and spacing. We aim to maintain a small group of 4 (3 students + 1 teacher) with 1.5-meter distance between groups.
• All teaching/assisting/observing volunteers and students must wear mask during the class.
• Maintain proper personal hygiene before and after the class.
• If any volunteers or students feel unwell or have flu-like symptoms, please do not let them join the class.
• Do not gather more than 4 people per group during the class.
• Please avoid partner yoga poses, advance poses and inversions in the class.
• Avoid grouping for photos and no group photos is needed at the end of class. Please noted that we only need photos of the classes to register attendance.
• 所有學生必須登入,並在AYC 網站上填寫免責聲明後才可上課。義工老師需於開課前,要求同學顯示電子郵件,確認已填寫免責聲明。
• 義工老師必需妥善安排課堂的大小及同學之間的間距。請保持小班教學以4人為一小組 (當中包括3人學生+1義工老師) ,小組之間亦必需保持最少1.5米的距離。
• 所有義工老師及同學於上課時必須戴上口罩。
• 上課前後,請保持適當的個人衛生。
• 如任何義工老師或學生感到不適或有類似流感的症狀,請不要讓他們加入課堂。
• 請避免在課堂內進行任何雙人瑜伽,高難度及倒立動作。
• 避免聚集學生進行團體拍照,課堂完結亦不需要拍分組照片。請注意,我們只需用課堂時的照片即可註冊。
Andiappan Yoga Community