Since 15 May 2010
Healthy Growth Yoga

Due to Covid- 19 safety precautions, AYC has temporarily suspended all our Projects. We encourage our Project students to attend our Free online classes listed in this page. Keeping good health is important during this critical period. AYC has made alternate arrangements to support your yoga practice to maintain good health. Continue to keep up your yoga practice and stay healthy both physically and mentally. Namaste Please visit this page for ONLINE YOGA CLASS FOR ALL.
Changing Young Lives Foundation provides health, welfare, educational, and recreational programs to disadvantaged families in Hong Kong and rural China.
Andiappan Yoga Community partners with the Changing Young Lives Foundation to teach yoga to mothers from low-income families.
“So far, everything is great and super rewarding teaching these ladies. We all have gotten attached to each other and we always have a great class.” — Andiappan Yoga Community Volunteer Teacher Edith Chan
AYC 自2010年起,與[成長希望基金會]合作,為低收入家庭的母親提供免費瑜伽課堂。
“到目前為止一切都很順利。我和同學們很投契,每一堂也很好,義教這些媽媽很有滿足感。” – AYC 義工導師 Edith Chan
Project Name and Nature: AYC Yoga at Changing Young Lives Foundation, Hong Kong
Venue: Pak Tin Estate Block 10, 51 Pak Tin St., Kowloon, Hong Kong
地點:香港 九龍 白田街51號 白田村10座
Class Schedule: Wednesdays from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
課程表:逢週三 上午十一時至中午十二時
Who can teach in this project: Andiappan Yoga Community Volunteer Teachers those who have completed a minimum of 200hrs Yoga Teacher Training Course with International Yoga Academy, Hong Kong can apply for this project. Share the gift of yoga and help us in fulfilling AYC’s mission. Your enthusiasm and help are greatly appreciated. Female teachers preferred.
義工導師資格:已完成最少200小時[香港國際瑜伽學院瑜伽教師培訓課程]之 AYC 義工均可申請參與。女導師優先考慮。
感激你的熱誠和參與,實踐 AYC 的使命,分享瑜伽的恩澤。
If you are a registered AYC volunteer you are eligible to assist/ teach in this program, please follow these steps:
- Log-in to the AYC website (
- Under “My Profile”, click “Ongoing Projects”
- Find (Changing Young Lives Foundation, Hong Kong), and select “I would like to apply”
- Please wait for the admin to add you to the WhatsApp group before you start assisting / teaching.
If you are interested to attend the class as a student, please approach Changing Young Lives Foundation.
For more information about the Changing Young Lives Foundation, please visit: